​​​Southwest Jewish Congress 

Helen Kalmans Roth
Michelle E. Shriro

​Rose Marie Stromberg

​Anita Weinstein

​Jeffrey Weiss

Lynn Towery


Pearl Garza Fracchia

Vice President

Community Relations

Susan Myers - Executive Director

Susan Myers is a true native Texan, born and raised on a cattle ranch in Bosque County. After managing a finance company for several years and selling a line of women's clothing, she has spent the better part of the last 30 years in community service as a senior regional administrator for a national Jewish advocacy organization. Along with her husband, Jim, she was a long time active volunteer in Pee Wee Football and Little Dribblers Basketball. Susan and Jim are very involved with their five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.

Our Staff

​​Michael B. Cohen

​​Linda Garner
Marla Greenberg Janco

​Hilary Miller

Monty Moncibais​

Our Board of Directors

Kevin Bolton

Vice President

Community Relations

Cindy Ray

Project Manager

SWJC Building Bridges - Feeding Heroes and Neighbors in Need

Vice President Fundraising

Jonathan M. Spigel

Immediate Past  President

Nelda Golden

Vice President


Susie Salfield Avnery


Harry Ploss

Founding Chair

​and Treasurer

Our Officers
